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Crew, Boat Transfers, Charter

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Che Transfer

Boat transfers

Per 3 months


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  • Insert your boat transfer advert
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Che Crew

Crew Plan

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  • Insertion and visibility of contacts
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  • Description / photo
  • Search for boat transfers
  • Search for charter companies
  • 2 listing type (crew and transfer)
  • Manage availability from the calendar
  • Google calendar
  • Price management
  • On-board menu for chef/hostess
  • 24/7 Support
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Che Charter

Per year
  • Crew profile
  • Insertion and visibility of contacts
  • Insertion and visibility of contacts
  • Search engine
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  • Presence in the search result
  • Direct contacts
  • Company description / photo
  • Description Bases and Itineraries
  • Crew finder
  • Skipper wanted ADS for boat transfers
  • Unlimited n. of charter bases
  • 24/7 Support
Choose Che Charter

How it works

Discover & Connect

Che yacht is a platform that offers direct contacts to customers looking for a charter in an established place, or a marina to stay at. It is a place to publish ads if you are a skipper, a hostess, a skipper who wants to offer availability to transfer boats. Do you have a boat to transfer? this is the right place to publish your ad. You can register if you are a charter company, if you are a skipper, a hostess, a sailor and you want to offer your services. Register your tourist marina and be easily found via the map. Sign up if you want to transfer a boat and are looking for the perfect crew. And finally, sign up if you are a skipper who loves making transfers.


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Are you a user looking for direct contacts of a charter company? Are you looking for a skipper? of a stewardess? of a port?


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Are you an operator? Publish your ads, be found directly by customers and access all the services. 

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